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Sunday, May 25, 2014


The reason for the squee is that we now own our garage!   We paid the final payment this week and now have the remotes for the door.   There might have been a little playing going on with that.

I've also got a little spinning and knitting done.    Dh's socks are now up the toe for the first one and I finished the gorgeous teal coloured merino blend and am back to spinning my corriedale.   Had hoped to start warping the loom too, but had to make some more pegs for it first and put it on the wall.   Another shelf went up too.    I've also done the tie up on the loom for the first time; that wasn't easy as most instructions have the loom with a different set up.  My lams are on one level, not two and not in the same order; once I'd worked that out though it went more smoothly.   Some information from Doe Arnott was also a great help and I used her plan for the tie up.   Should get the warp done this week.

My loom tie up

Thomas's first sock; looking good!

And finally, the lovely merino blend yarn; this is going to be a cowl


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