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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

9th day Blogtoberfest - Opting Out

1. We got all bar two of the inside windows washed.   The two not done are the kitchen ones that are hard to access.  I did however get everything off the window sill in that room.

2.  No knitting

3.  3 blocks joined together for George's quilt

4.  No cutting out

5.  Work partly done

6.  Opt-out meeting with Fix-It.    This went fairly well, I liked the guy and he seemed to know what he was talking about and left me with some information on the process.  He suggested we get the process of getting building consent and resource consent underway so everything is ready to go when the opt-out is processed and approved.
Our next guy comes on Monday, he's not an opt-out expert though so we'll wait and see, he is recommended by a friend though which is a big point in his favour.
Thanks to the FI guy though for calling me back with a suggestion as to how to get a Scope of Works, after yesterday being told we couldn't get one without having opted out and today being told yes we can, after a 7 week wait, which was way too long.   One email later, we now have one!

Oh, and George isn't going to his holiday programme tomorrow, I got visual evidence that he's not well enough yet, that's on top of the occasional sore tummy he's still got.   I've started him on probiotics to help him get over it.  So tomorrow won't be getting a lot done either.


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