The question here is how did I make time for creativity, and was there something that I made that particularly stood out? Also how will I made time and space for my passion next year?
Well, as anyone reading my blog would know I've been knitting throughout the year and I took up quilting as well. I always make time for knitting, even if it's only when I'm picking Ian up from school and will continue to do so. I didn't get as much knitting done as I normally would because of the quilting, but I think my proudest moment was when I finished George's quilt.
I still love this and luckily so does he. |
In the coming year I'm planning on doing more knitting, quilting and getting back to garment sewing as my wardrobe needs boosting as does the boys wardrobes. I should gain more space for all of this too when the garage is finished, a new 3m x 6m room out there with plenty of storage and working space. I'll still knit inside and sometimes will have to sew inside as well if the boys are home and Thomas isn't.
I may need to produce some items for sale at the Wool Yarn and Fibres shop; that won't be for a few months though as the guild has to wait for its rooms first.
I will have to take some time out of the sewing/knitting time to do some work on the house, painting and the like, but that's still creative even if it's in a different direction.
In the meantime I have 4 days to finish the shawl I'm working on and also work on the vest for Ian. I'd really like to get both of those done, but realistically the shawl will get finished and the vest will simply grow.
I'm not going to be purchasing more yarn or fabric unless needed (that doesn't mean simply wanted, but actually needed to finish a project). I did order a skein of yarn today, but that's to go with another skein I have that needs a contrast colour before I can start with it. Rose pink is what I have, I got silver to go with it, should be lovely in another shawl. No more books either, I have tonnes and should be able to find what I need in my current collection. The only resources I'm prepared to buy are Craftsy courses, though I need to watch what I have before getting more, I've got 3 new ones to watch from the end of the month. They're there now but it's not my birthday yet so I'm not allowed them till Sunday. Mum got me the fairisle one, Celtic cables and Colorplay Quilting. Really looking forward to watching them all. I also picked up a few in their Christmas sale, another cable one and a quilting one using jelly rolls. I think with all that I should have plenty to keep me busy for quite some time!