On Sunday we had a baptism to go to, Thomas is the Godfather so we absolutely had to go. Another family were having their baby baptised at the same time and it was worked in with the normal service. We're not religious so it all felt a bit odd to us, we both believe that there is a higher power, but we don't believe in the Christian version of that belief.
George and Ian were both well behaved aside from a wee moment where Ian asked very clearly in a lull "Can we go home yet Mummy?", could have been a lot worse though as he was getting restless for a while.
Here's what we looked like, first family photo for a while (love the tripod!).
The boys borrowed ties from their Dad. |
We've determined a distinct lack of any good clothes. George's shirt is really too small, it's a size 6, Ian has no good pants, the cords were the best option. We put an order through to Pumpkin Patch for new button-shirt for each boy and a nice pair of pants. They're large enough that the boys should fit them for a while.
I was wearing my favourite me-made skirt (wool blend A-line) and a double-breasted jacket made by my work. Thomas wore his work trousers, a jersey from my work and one of his more formal shirts. I think I might have to get him another jersey at some point, possibly my next work freebie might be for him.
In other news I've got further on the test knit sock; onto the gusset decreases.
I've also got the "Ladder of Doom" ready to bind, hope to get that finished tomorrow. Was going to do it this morning, but the IBS kicked in and I considered myself lucky to get the boys to school.