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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holidays and plans

Well it's now the school holidays and the boys have had more e-tertainment than I wanted, but significantly less than they wanted.    I'm trying to frantically knit a pair of socks for Dh for Christmas and am not even halfway through the first sock yet.  It's DK, but I think really it's closer to worsted weight and is coming out really dense; and hard on the hands.  I want to get it finished so I can get back onto my colourwork socks and a fingering weight jersey or cardi for me.   Plus there's G's second sock to do too.

Over halfway up the foot at least.

I've cut out the lining for my polonaise, but got no further due to a lack of space in the sewing room.  As a result I think I need to stop my sewing for a bit so I can find my sewing room.   So, there may not be a finished item for the next challenge.

I've started the C25K again and finished week 3; really enjoying the zombie version.   Only problem is I've got one sore foot, T reckons it's because I'm not used to running; I don't know what caused it but it's bloody annoying!     Still going to continue though; I'd love to be able to run for 5k's without stopping.   Should be easier once I'm over this cold too, running does knock loose some of the crap in my lungs which is definitely good.   One question though, in what universe is it fair to get hit with hayfever while suffering from a cold?

Garage is now awaiting the blocklayer who should be starting on 13th January; then the actual build of the metal and wood parts will start on 27th January; we'll be all done by the end of February and then the driveway can be laid.    We'll be lifting the old cobbles and using them to make raised beds and a few other bits and pieces; a friend wants some too which will mean we'll have less to find homes for after it's all done.

The finished slab; the end closest is my craft room

We're getting to that point in the year when I start thinking about what I want to achieve next year and have come up with a few things I want to concentrate on.

1.  Fitness - C25K is a big part of this, but I want to improve my diet as well; no point in that till Christmas is over but will continue the running, even on Christmas day.

2.  Financial - I want to continue saving money, I'm currently saving up for a new sewing machine and also a cutting thing for T.    Also will be wanting to make a big dent in the mortgage we'll have once the building is finished and of course some work that we need to do on the house (repaint roof, replace shower) which will be expensive.   Ultimately I'd like to double glaze too, but that'll be nasty expensive.

3.  Crafting - I want to make this the year of "craft from stash".   There may be exceptions; for a start if anyone gives me a voucher I can use that, also if something I'm making needs an item I don't have in stash I can get that too (for example if a zipper is needed and I don't have one in the right colour or one that's long enough).  But no more buying things to add to stash, if it's not going to be used right away I don't buy it.

I think that's enough for the moment, if I have too many plans nothing will get done, but 3 seems like a good number to me.   It's the number my gran always considered lucky too.


Sonya said... Best Blogger Tips

That sounds like a reasonable list - not too many things to try and achieve, but they're all big ones!

I generally don't bother with new year's resolutions, but do occasionally have goals. The big one (to start with) is working out what A (and therefore I) can eat. So far wheat is looking good, so fingers crossed for small amounts of dairy and soy, and thus less pedantic label reading.

Beyond that we may have some big plans afoot, but will have to wait and see how things play out.

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

hey, on an entirely unrelated topic:

i was going through some stuff i've written a while ago and came across a comment you'd left a long time ago. you said, "I believe in God/higher power, I don't believe in churches." (

i'd read it before, of course, but i hadn't come up to you to ask: so do you go to any churches at all then? or do you sort of rotate around?

how do you do your "i believe in god, but i don't believe in churches"? i know how i do it, but i was just wondering about your way.

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

so what's christmas to you then? is it a celebration of jesus, like christians generally seem to work it? (and, hey, let's leave aside the fact that technically it probably wasn't in late december that stuff happened, so it's probably not "actually" the right date...) or is it a solstice celebration? or do you even "celebrate" christmas at all?

and then this thing that, if someone asks you if you're religious, what do you say? what do you tick on your census form?

agnostic? but that's not right because you do say there is god...

anyway, interesting topic. interested in your approach to it =)

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

thank you for taking the time to write and answer. it's really interesting to me me to try and understand how people do this, different ways they manage it.

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